Welcome to the Paint Shop

Browse our colors to get new ideas to freshen up your home, or come to our shop to get professional advice on finding the perfect fit for your home.

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Did you know?


It is important that the walls are clean, firm, dry and not contaminated before you start painting. It is recommended that you wash the walls down with a basic cleaner before painting so that the surface is as clean as possible.

Leftover paint

Do not dispose of the paint leftovers down the drain but take them to the nearest recycling center.

Ceiling vs. walls

Ceilings are always painted before the walls, so the paint doesn’t drip on newly painted walls.

The Feeling

We divide our paints into warm and cold colors, so it's easier for you to find the color you want depending on the feel you're going for.

Popular products



The classic grey for when white is too bright, and you want a little contrast.


Baby Blue

The hint of blue is perfect for getting the mix of grey and light blue.


Summer Kiss

A lively color that brightens up any room and gives it a summer feel.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon - Fri 10 - 18
  • Sat - Sun 10 - 16

Hafnarvegur 27, 230 Keflavík, Iceland

+354 123 4567


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